ABOVE: Afrit Nebula's previous outing with Yumino Seki, together with Mark French's film, at the Kino-Teatr, St Leonards on Sea, 8 February 2019.

"Kwaidan AI" is a composition by the band, incorporating Japanese ghosts and bots. It inspired a film by Hastings film-maker Mark French. Here, the film (which was screened behind Afrit Nebula while they played) is mingled with live footage of the band. A new version of this composition is on our album INALIENABLE.


is a powerful demon in Arabian myths


is an interstellar cloud of dust



ELAINE EDWARDS saxes/flute/keyboard

KEN EDWARDS bass guitar and vocals

YAIR KATZ drums, guitar, vocals

Afrit Nebula was founded in 2014 in St Leonards on Sea, UK. Founder member Jamie Harris (percussion and vocals) left the band in May 2021.

"Strong bass lines from Ken Edwards and Yair Katz’s lively drumming form a bedrock on which the sinuous lines of Elaine Edwards’ soprano flourish, with Dervish-like circular excursions."

–  Matthew Wright, Jazz Journal

Elaine has played and taught flute, saxophone and piano for many years  (her website is here). In addition to Afrit Nebula, she co-founded The Moors with Ken.

Yair, born in Israel, spent many years in New Zealand, where he toured, played international festivals, including WOMAD, and contributed to over 25 albums. He is a registered music therapist, and joined Afrit Nebula in 2021.

Ken is a writer and editor as well as a musician. His blog and personal website is here. He has also been a small press publisher over the years, most recently as a partner in the venture grand IOTA.